Finding database KRNAP-KPN
Krkonoše National Park

Program INTERREG V-A Česká republika – Polsko
- Name of Project:
- A common approach to the care of the Krkonoše National Park
- Project registration number:
- CZ.11.4.120/0.0/0.0/15_006/0000087
- General description of the project:
- The intention of the project is to streamline the performance of administration. A socio-economic study of attendance in the Krkonoše Mountains will be prepared for decision-making activities to regulate attendance, followed by a joint strategy for the care of the Krkonoše National Park, which will enable effective cooperation in planning and achieving common procedures and goals in the field of nature protection in the Krkonoše region.
- Project schedule:
- Start date: 01. 06. 2017
End date: 31. 03. 2021 -
The total cost of the project is EUR 559,208.90.
Projekt je podpořen prostředky z programu Interreg V-A Česká republika – Polsko.
Information about the project on the website KRNAP a KPN.

Karkonoski National Park